00:59:48 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Have you tried on themes.vivaldi.net? 😍

Now find your favorite themes for with improved search and better filter options.
With more than 3000 amazing themes it's now easier than ever to find one that is just the right one for you.

Click Share on the theme's page to boost your own theme or share one you like with everyone here.

A showcase of the Vivaldi Themes site's new update. Scrolling down the main page, the cursor moves over to "View all popular themes" and clicks on it. Then panning over to the new filters and sorting menu on the left choosing the "Anime and Manga" category and selecting the color "Yellow" to show off how filters interact. Scrolling up to sorting it then switchest from "Popular" to "Newest". Lastly it selects the featured box which shows only the filtered posts that have been featured by Vivaldi Themes. Video ends on the Vivaldi Logo and the text "Download at Vivaldi.com".
17:51:51 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Yesterday we launched the update of our Vivaldi Themes site.

Thomas Pike of our Sys Admin Team pulls back the curtains and gives a sneak peek into the work behind the update in his new blog!

Give it a read here⬇️

The Vivaldi Themes site after the update on the 8th of February 2023. Showing the filters and sorting section on the left.
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18:52:41 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

ずっと話題になっている について、Vivaldi としての意見をまとめました。そこには根本的な課題があると考えています。Vivaldi の開発者 Julien(


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