18:06:12 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

February is here and Vivaldi is partaking in the - This means that every Friday throughout the month images without alt-text will be blurred until hovered over with your mouse. Try with the example image. 🙂

Read more here ⬇️

Check out this Vivaldi Tips on alt-text and why it is important⬇️

If you are having difficulty writing alt text for an image you can use the Hashtag Alt4Me and hopefully someone will help you out.

Attach image
23:36:37 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Hey! We wanted to share two good tips from @ruario.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :tony_wee:

0:00 Hi, my name is Rauri and I've got two great tips for you. 0:02 If you're trying out mastodon, the divers or Vivaldi Social for the first time. 0:07 The first one is be nice. 0:09 Remember it's real people out there and don't start arguments, just have fun, right? 0:14 Nice comments. 0:14 Be kind to people. 0:16 That's one. 0:17 And secondly, don't worry about your social score. 0:20 It doesn't matter. 0:21 Find 23 people you like. 0:22 10 people, you like 10 people who like you and actually interact with them. 0:26 You don't need 1000 followers. 0:28 You just have to have a group of friends you have fun with. 0:31 And those are my two tips.