
📻Vivaldi 雑談 radio やります📻
明後日21日水21時、Vivaldiの今年1年をわいわい振り返る雑談Twitter Spacesをやってみます。

Twitter Spaces、その日は無事に使えますように😎

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Play recording: 🎄Vivaldi 雑談 radio 2022年を振り返る

@aoisensi The short answer is no. But there are many customization options for the blog in Dashboard > Appearance > Customize and in settings in the post/page editor.


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New year to you all from us in the Vivaldi Team!

We hope the joy and cheer can continue past the celebration and well into 2023. We wouldn't be anything if not for you all! Thank you! 🎁🎄

P.S. This tree is at our US offices at the Innovation House in Magnolia 😉

A Christmas tree within the Innovation House in Magnolia
Attach image