「X離れ」進むヨーロッパ - 国際報道 2025 - NHK:
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Linux Daily Topics「Ubuntu開発チーム、リアルタイムチャットツールをIRCからMatrixに変更へ」公開
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN #debian
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RaspberryPi 5でSandybridge Core i5-2500 くらいらしい
RaspberryPi 5の性能はSandyBridge i5-2500に近いことに気づいた - 塩の惑星 https://corkborg.github.io/raspberrypi-5-vs-intel-core-i5-2500/
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