2024-03-27 21:59:58 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

Video in Tōyoko, Kabukichō
never heard of toyoko til i got home.
nothing there

Web site image
金野裕希 (@yuukikonnobot@mastodon.social)
2024-03-26 08:23:47 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

i had the closet sized room in my parents house as "Yuuki Lab".
was growing a dandelion in a cup of water.

that was the beginning of Wikinder.

2024-03-26 07:43:28 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

My 1st research
there was a list of kanji radicals on my computer.
the most strokes was 龠.
i discovered that its reading is "yaku" by typing n converting kana randomly.

it was 9 pm, my latest bedtime record.
maybe 1998 (at 4) or earlier.

2024-03-25 19:32:17 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

My personal site

it has only my links.
i have my bio and blog on Wikinder.

(repo) github.com/yuuki15/yuuki15.git

Web site image
GitHub - yuuki15/yuuki15.github.io: yuuki''s personal website
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2024-03-25 18:38:33 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

redid 1st grade math and thought about what numbers are.

Conclusion: it's hard.

foundations isn't easy.
better to pretend to know the "obvious" and move forward.

2024-03-24 16:09:28 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

let P be the perimeter of each shape.
the area of each shape is:
• circle: P²/4π
• equilateral triangle: √3 P²/36
• square: P²/16
so the "area outside the shapes" is the largest. it's infinite.

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2024-03-24 14:40:44 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

Math quiz i made.
u cant solve unless ur 200 iq. neither could i.
see quote retweet for solution.

*all have the same perimeter.
*circle, equilateral triangle, and square, respectively.

Which has the largest area?
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2024-03-24 05:51:11 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

2000 years later, we'll be walking naked.
step outside, and your own city will be generated.

wasn't Doraemon's 22nd century like that?
like when Nobita went with Sewashi (Soby) nobody was there

2024-03-24 04:55:44 @yuukikonno@mastodon.social

by 2040, polyamory n open relationships will be more recognized.

i knew since 2008, at 14.
there was "in an open relationship" option on facebook.