2024-02-14 21:30:53 @w3c@w3c.social

W3C in the news: "The fediverse, explained" at The Verge

"But all of this stuff only works if there is a standard, and I’d bet $10 that ActivityPub is going to be that standard. It’s the one that’s overseen by the World Wide Web Consortium, it’s the one with the most momentum"

2024-02-15 21:30:36 @w3c@w3c.social

"The web is unversioned" a finding by the @tag

The TAG is a special working group within the W3C, chartered with stewardship of the Web architecture.

This finding sets out why associating a particular set of technologies with a version number for the web goes against the principle that there is one web.

The TAG notes: "Versioning should be constrained to individual features, and not applied to the web platform as a whole." Read more at: