2023-11-01 22:02:26 @w3c@w3c.social

Learn to internationalize! Connect quickly with learning resources that guide you in applying internationalization to your content development, implementation, etc. Including: Techniques for content developers; a Developer checklist and Language enablement.

If you internationalize, you design or develop your content, application, specification, in a way that ensures it will work well for, or can be easily adapted for, users from any culture, region, or language.

2023-11-02 22:02:11 @w3c@w3c.social

Accessibility: It’s About People!
Web Accessibility is about ensuring that digital technology is usable by people with disabilities in the real world. Accessibility is an important aspect of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Many WAI resources cover the organizational, technical, and standards aspects of accessibility. See these WAI resources help you understand the people aspects:

Web site image
Accessibility: It’s About People
2023-11-16 23:30:01 @w3c@w3c.social

Our new CEO, Seth Dobbs, on why he joined W3C:

"I’ve spent much of my life believing in the power of technology to change the world and making that belief a reality. I believe the Web is one of the most profound technology changes in our lifetime and is truly a world-changing invention. I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to lead our efforts to move the world forward through the web platform."

Read more about Seth at:

2023-11-21 00:04:21 @w3c@w3c.social

W3C tech in the news: "The Real-Time Web is Here: Innovating with WebRTC"
"With WebRTC, developers can easily add voice, video, messaging and file sharing to websites and apps. Leading browser vendors including Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Apple have implemented support for WebRTC. Its components are being standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)"

Web site image
The Real-Time Web is Here: Innovating with WebRTC - Programming Insider