2023-08-02 22:19:01 @w3c@w3c.social

W3C tech in the news: "Going passwordless in online shopping"
"The WebAuthn standard provides the technological foundation by enabling brands to authenticate users with public key cryptography instead of a password"

2023-08-03 22:18:01 @w3c@w3c.social

Our vision: To achieve our vision to make the web work, for everyone, we uphold the following core values
The web is for all humanity
The web is designed for the good of its users
The web must be safe for its users
There is one interoperable world-wide web

2023-08-06 22:18:05 @w3c@w3c.social

On 6 August 1991, Tim Berners-Lee wrote to a newsgroup: "The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system."
He noted "Try it" and the world was changed.
Thanks Tim!

an image and text. on right an image of Tim Berners-lee, a man with dark hair and a slight smile in front of an older screen showing a page with a "WWW" logo in green. Text on left is "Try it" and "Sir Tim Berners-Lee introducing the Web to the world. 6 August 1991
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2023-08-07 22:22:33 @w3c@w3c.social

0n 6 August On Tim Berners-Lee invited the public to try the Web

He later joked, when asked one of the things he never thought the internet would be used for: "Kittens"

Reddit AMA from 2013, "totharescue" asked "What was one of the things you never though the internet would be used for, but has actually become one of the main reasons people use the Internet?" and timbl responded: "Kittens."
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2023-08-09 22:18:01 @w3c@w3c.social

Proposed W3C Charter: Decentralized Identifier (DID) WG
As part of ensuring that the community is aware of proposed work this draft charter is public during the AC review period.
W3C invites public comments through 9 September 2023

Proposed W3C Charter: Decentralized Identifier (DID) Working Group (until 2023-09-08/09); Current Charter Extended from xueyuan on 2023-08-07 (public-new-work@w3.org from August 2023)
2023-08-12 05:13:13 @w3c@w3c.social

📃 Web Environment Integrity has no standing at W3C; understanding new W3C work, by @plehegar


Web site image
Web Environment Integrity has no standing at W3C; understanding new W3C work
2023-08-14 22:19:03 @w3c@w3c.social

W3C blog: "Web Environment Integrity has no standing at W3C; understanding new W3C work" "I want to take the opportunity to explain generally how new work is brought to the [W3C], and how several W3C work groups coordinate what we call "horizontal review"

Web site image
Web Environment Integrity has no standing at W3C; understanding new W3C work
2023-08-18 22:18:00 @w3c@w3c.social

Learn to use the accessibility semantics defined by the Accessible Rich Internet Application (ARIA) specification to create accessible web experiences. This guide describes how to apply accessibility semantics to common design patterns and widgets.

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ARIA Authoring Practices Guide
2023-08-23 22:18:01 @w3c@w3c.social

ICYMI: "Securing the Web forward: Addressing developer concerns in web security" by Dan Appelquist
"...we're inviting you to participate in the W3C, OpenSSF, OpenJSF, and OWASP workshop: “Secure the Web Forward” 26-28 September 2023

Web site image
Securing the Web forward: Addressing developer concerns in web security