Cosmopolitan species: Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) in #Brunei . Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Laboratory dedicated to the study of #bat #biosonar from an #engineering perspective. Building #bioinspired bat #robots. #scicom sandbox
Cosmopolitan species: Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) in #Brunei . Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Winter visitor after a long journey from Siberia: Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva) in #Brunei . Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Big shiny eyes: Hooded pitta (Pitta sordida) in #Singapore . Photo: Husini Bakar. #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Ruffled feathers: Whiskered treeswift (Hemiprocne comata) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Elusive species: Blue-headed pitta (Hydrornis baudii), a Borneo endemic, in #Brunei . Photo: Joremy Tony. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Hooded pitta (Pitta sordida) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Extremely social bird: Long-tailed parakeet (Psittacula longicauda) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Iridescent: Copper-throated sunbird (Leptocoma calcostetha) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Hanging on: White-crowned hornbill (Berenicornis comatus) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Stretching exercises: Whiskered treeswift (Hemiprocne comata) in #Brunei . Photo: Joremy Tony. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Long, slender beak: Blue-eared kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) in #Brunei . Photo: rainforestkayaker. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Inquisitive: White-crowned hornbill (Berenicornis comatus) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Expressive black-and-white face: Black-throated babbler (Stachyris nigricollis) in #Brunei . Photo: Joremy Tony. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Beautiful shiny eyes: Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) in#Brunei. Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Punk hairstyle: Common flameback (Dinopium javanense) in #Brunei . Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023 #birding #wildlifephotography
Rufous woodpecker (Micropternus brachyurus) preparing to peck on rotten wood in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Hawkeye: Black-winged kite (Elanus caeruleus) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlifephotography
Little beauty: Banded kingfisher (Lacedo pulchella) in #Brunei . Photo: eddBautista. #Borneo #wildlife #birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #BirdTwitter #wildlifephotography