This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
連合機能は未実装だしアカウント引っ越し機能もまだ実装されてない(作業中)だけど did:plc は世界共通になるようにしてあるので自分のドメインに _atproto を生やして自分のドメインのhandleにできる
This account is not set to public on notestock.