
We got an email from the Serbian Registry of Internet Domain Names (RNIDS), the organisation that is responsible for the `.rs` top-level domain.

Looks like they are a big fan of Rust. 😊

Dear Rust Foundation and global Rust community, We at the Serbian Registry of Internet Domain Names (RNIDS) respect Rust and its global community. Rust has already proven its ability to increase the reliability and security of the internet and the rest of global digital infrastructure. The global Rust community amazes us with its enthusiasm, commitment, and ingenuity. We are also aware that an increasing number of Rust projects use the .rs domain. As Rust grows and gets adopted as a dependency in many places, there is growing concern about, among other things, whether the use of the .rs domain, Serbia's national TLD, represents a risk or liability. Being fully aware that we have no control over how the Universe works or what the future holds, we, as the Board of Governors and CEO of RNIDS, would like to reach out to the Rust Foundation and the Rust community to express our support for your efforts and to say that the global Rust community is welcome on the .rs domain. So, know that you have a friend at RNIDS, and you may contact us with any concerns you may have about any .rs domain that you believe is vital to the Rust ecosystem or the stability and resilience of the global internet infrastructure. Keep up the excellent work! Best Regards, Dejan Djukic CEO & Ivan Minic, Chairman Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation Žorža Klemansoa 18а/I, 11108 Belgrade, Serbia | +381.11.7281.281 rnids.rs | domen.rs
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