00:06:38 @repo@p1.a9z.dev

🆕 Pushed by syuilo with 1 commit:
?[b2caf82] 12.112.0-beta.3

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Comparing 734fe9fd9daf...b2caf821ef66 · misskey-dev/misskey
17:11:28 @repo@p1.a9z.dev

💬 Commented on "GitHubやめる": Johann150 "Git can be decentralized in theory. But that would require someone to actually run a mirror for it outside of GitHub. (It should also include branches of remote repositories made for pull requests.) I am not aware of someone doing that.

But I think as you said, the code itself is not really the biggest issue here. Instead these are the actual issues:

I can easily get all my project files, but how exactly would I …

- Download the issue tracker (not the data, the service)?
- Migrate my community?
- HTTP 301 redirect all my backlinks?
-- https://raccoon.onyxbits.de/blog/why-not-use-github/

The code is not the only thing that is hosted on GitHub, and that is or can be a problem. My opinion is also that ThatOneCalculator's behaviour was inappropriate. But a few months ago we saw that many Russian GitHub users were suspended similarly with their pull requests and issues vanishing, even though I am quite sure that in many cases they did not do anything wrong themselves (see
this article). So in my eyes there are no guarantees that GitHub will not just suspend anyone for reasons they might not be able to influence, due to GitHub having to abide by laws of the USA."

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Why I won''t use Github for any new projects (and you probably shouldn''t either)
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GitHubやめる · Issue #8886 · misskey-dev/misskey
17:14:39 @repo@p1.a9z.dev

💬 Commented on "Add additional drive capacity change support": tamaina "勝手にいじってみたけどどうだろう"

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Add additional drive capacity change support by CyberRex0 · Pull Request #8867 · misskey-dev/misskey
18:29:47 @repo@p1.a9z.dev

🆕 Pushed by tamaina with 1 commit:
?[c67c0df] fix notification-setting-window.vue

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Comparing 929dc076ec70...c67c0df76248 · misskey-dev/misskey
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fix notification-setting-window.vue · misskey-dev/misskey@c67c0df
19:52:36 @repo@p1.a9z.dev

📦 New Pull Request: "fix: mocha テストが動かないのを修正"

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fix: mocha テストが動かないのを修正 by mei23 · Pull Request #8891 · misskey-dev/misskey