>専門家「感情が刺激されたら スマートフォンを置いて」
これマジでこれ ニュースに限らずSNS見て感情がブレたらスマホ投げた方がいい
>専門家「感情が刺激されたら スマートフォンを置いて」
これマジでこれ ニュースに限らずSNS見て感情がブレたらスマホ投げた方がいい
#Hollo everyone!
We'd like to hear your thoughts on something we've been considering.
As you know, Hollo has always been focused on self-hosting—this won't change, and our source code will continue to be available under the AGPLv3 license.
We're exploring ways to make the project more sustainable, and we're considering offering a hosting service for those who regularly support us with a certain amount through @opencollective.
This would be an additional option for those who want to use Hollo without managing the technical aspects themselves. Of course, you'll still be able to self-host just like you do now.
What are your thoughts on this idea? Please vote below! 📊
💭 Have additional thoughts or suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments!