
Shared by 50 others.

See who shared that post, now available on Metro 2.0!

Pixelfed Metro 2.0 screenshot of a post with a new "Shared by 50 others" section with a link that opens a modal which shows all the accounts that shared/reblogged that post!
Attach image

Filtering notifications by type (just like Mastodon!) is one of many new features that will be rolling out this weekend!

Notifications screenshot showing filter tabs similar to Mastodon
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Notifications screenshot showing filter tabs similar to Mastodon
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Filter notifications by type, now available!

We also added full-screen previews to photo albums 😉

Pixelfed notification screenshot showing new filter feature. Allows users to filter notifications by type
Attach image

You might have noticed that Pixelfed only sends account verification and password reset emails.

Or the lack of real-time notifications and those familiar notification sounds.

And how you have to refresh the timeline to see new posts.

These small details are intentional.

If we did implement these un-healthy aspects, we would be no better than Instagram


We need to know which platform to prioritize for the upcoming beta release.

Should we release on Android or iOS first?

Boosts appreciated!

  • Android1157
  • iOS318

:mastodon: + :pixelfed:

You can now use any Mastodon mobile app with Pixelfed!

We just shipped a number of mastoapi compatibility fixes, if you notice any bugs or issues let us know!


We just shipped some API bug fixes to improve compatibility with Mastodon mobile apps! 🚀

✨ Users: If you have issues logging in from an app, that means your instance hasn't updated yet. Try clearing cache

✨ Admins: Clear the cache after updating by running "php artisan cache:clear"

✨ Guests: Check us out!

Still working on a few endpoints, most core features should work as expected.

Let us know of any bugs in the comments and please include the app name and instance url!