⚠️ PSA: Please update your Pixelfed instance ASAP! ⚠️
We identified a few bugs that could leak private statuses to authenticated users that don't follow the private account.
This only affects instances with 'OAUTH_ENABLED=true' in the .env file.
Ad-Free Photo Sharing.
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pixelfed/id1632519816
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixelfed
F-Droid: https://fdroid.pixelfed.net/fdroid/repo/
Discord: https://discord.gg/VDhM32hbUK
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#pixeldev:matrix.org
⚠️ PSA: Please update your Pixelfed instance ASAP! ⚠️
We identified a few bugs that could leak private statuses to authenticated users that don't follow the private account.
This only affects instances with 'OAUTH_ENABLED=true' in the .env file.