
Shotcut 24.06 Supports SVT-AV1 Encode & AVIF Images, Many Fixes

A few days ago was the release of the OpenShot 3.2 open-source video editor while Shotcut 24.06 also released this week as another great cross-platform, free software video editing solution...

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Shotcut 24.06 Supports SVT-AV1 Encode & AVIF Images, Many Fixes
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SUSE's "Agama" OS Installer Rolls Out New Web UI, Better Auto Installations

Besides Red Hat / Fedora working on a new web-based UI for their Anaconda OS installer, (open)SUSE developers remain very busy working on their Agama installer with new web-based interface. Agama 9 has now been announced as the latest iteration of SUSE's OS installer work...

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SUSE''s "Agama" OS Installer Rolls Out New Web UI, Better Auto Installations
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Servo Web Engine Gets WebGPU Running On OpenGL ES & Other New Features

The Rust-written Servo web layout engine continues progressing for this open-source project now stewarded by the Linux Foundation Europe and seeing code contribution from a range of developers. They have published their June 2024 status update to outline the latest accomplishments for this alternative web engine...

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Servo Web Engine Gets WebGPU Running On OpenGL ES & Other New Features
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