
Servo Engine Updates Bring CSS Tables & Its Browser Gets Back/Forward Buttons

As part of the renewed efforts around the Servo open-source web engine and making it usable for embedded purposes, the Servo engine has been tacking on a number of new features in recent weeks...

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Servo Engine Updates Bring CSS Tables & Its Browser Gets Back/Forward Buttons
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It's Becoming Possible To Use The Webcam On Newer Intel Laptops With Open-Source Linux

While Intel typically does a great job with their open-source Linux hardware support with enabling all features under Linux and doing so in a timely manner -- often well in advance of the client and server hardware availability -- an exception in recent years has been around the web cam support for many newer Intel laptops. Since Alder Lake an increa…

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It''s Becoming Possible To Use The Webcam On Newer Intel Laptops With Open-Source Linux
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The Budgie Desktop Hopes To Do A Wayland-Only Release This Year

The Budgie desktop that started off as the desktop project within the Solus Linux space has written a lengthy blog post outlining their highlights for 2023 as well as providing a glimpse ahead for 2024. The Budgie desktop is working eagerly on Wayland and XWayland support and hope to advance enough this year to deliver a Wayland-only release...

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The Budgie Desktop Hopes To Do A Wayland-Only Release This Year
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Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Will Aim To Ship With The Linux 6.8 Kernel

As some terrific news, Canonical laid out their kernel plans for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and they are being ambitious with plans to ship the in-development Linux 6.8 kernel as their default kernel on this next long-term support Ubuntu desktop/server distribution...

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Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Will Aim To Ship With The Linux 6.8 Kernel
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