
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Committing Fully To Netplan For Network Configuration

The Canonical-developed Netplan has served for Linux network configuration on Ubuntu Server and Cloud versions for years. With the recent Ubuntu 23.10 release, Netplan is now being used by default on the desktop. Canonical is committing to fully leveraging Netplan for network configuration with the upcoming Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release and in turn also marking the Net…

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Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Committing Fully To Netplan For Network Configuration
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Fwupd 1.9.8 Released With Firmware Updating For New DP Converters, Wacom Cintiq Pro

Just two weeks since Fwupd 1.9.7 was released, Fwupd 1.9.8 is now available for this open-source solution that facilities firmware updating on Linux systems for system firmware as well as various devices/peripherals...

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Fwupd 1.9.8 Released With Firmware Updating For New DP Converters, Wacom Cintiq Pro
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PCI-SIG Announces "CopprLink" PCI Express Cable Name

From SC23 going on in Denver, the PCI-SIG team sent out a news release that they have announced the naming for their next-generation PCI Express cabling... CopprLink...

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PCI-SIG Announces "CopprLink" PCI Express Cable Name
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GCC COBOL Compiler Support Continues To Be Worked On

While not as popular as Rust or other languages these days, for COBOL enthusiasts and those continuing to maintain codebases in this 50's programming language, the out-of-tree GCC COBOL compiler support continues to be worked on in late 2023...

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GCC COBOL Compiler Support Continues To Be Worked On
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Microsoft Achieves OpenGL 4.5 Atop Direct3D 12 With Mesa

Hours after writing about Microsoft's Direct3D 12 back-end for Mesa seeing OpenGL 4.4 support, the in-review OpenGL 4.5 code mentioned in that article happened to land in Mesa...

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Microsoft Achieves OpenGL 4.5 Atop Direct3D 12 With Mesa
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Wine Wayland Driver Lands Improved HiDPI Support

The newest Wine Wayland driver code to be merged is improved HiDPI support...

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Wine Wayland Driver Lands Improved HiDPI Support
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