
思いがけず本屋で手書きについての本を見つけたので、読んでいる。 はこの本に引用されている、Seastiano Vassalliの言葉。確かに私も紙時代に生きている人々のひとりだな。 本自体はフランチェスカ・ビアゼットン「美しい痕跡 手書きへの賛歌」

Handwriting: Excerpts from Sebastiano Vassalli's column in Il Corriere della Sera, 7/7/2013

Book: La Bellezza Del Segno -Elogiao della scrittura a mano by Francesca Biasetton. Handwriting: Excerpts from Sebastiano Vassalli's column in Il Corriere della Sera, 7/7/2013
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I use two different types of dialogue notebooks for different purposes. When it's time to switch notebooks, I carry two, the old one and the new one, so I currently have four in my bag.

Fountain pen and four Dialog notebooks and a cup of coffee
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みんなで読んでるAgatha Christie、今回はThey Do It With Mirrors. これからマープルの推理章に入るところ。これは2章だったかな。

Excerpts from They Do It With Mirrors by Agatha Christie

Handwriting excerpt from They Do It with Mirrors by Agatha Christie with a foutanin pen
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My annual promise is to use a fountain pen with a plum pattern until the cherry blossoms bloom.

Chemex coffee maker, coffee cup and fountainpen with plum pattern
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