ドコモがコミケ対策に本気モード、5Gの大増設で効果に期待。2023年「パケ詰まり」問題の汚名返上なるか(石野純也) | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge - https://www.techno-edge.net/article/2023/12/28/2538.html
チューナーレステレビで無料のウェブブラウザー「Sleipnir TV」を使ってみる【自宅Wi-Fiの“わからない”をスッキリ!】 - INTERNET Watch - https://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/column/homewifi/1557245.html
GitHub - hrvach/deskhop: Fast Desktop Switching Device - https://github.com/hrvach/deskhop
# docker logs misskey
> misskey@2023.12.2 migrateandstart /misskey
> pnpm migrate && pnpm start
> misskey@2023.12.2 migrate /misskey
> cd packages/backend && pnpm migrate
> backend@ migrate /misskey/packages/backend
> pnpm typeorm migration:run -d ormconfig.js
query: SELECT * FROM current_schema()
query: SELECT version();
query: SELECT * FROM "information_schema"."tables" WHERE "table_schema" = 'public' AND "table_name" = 'migrations'
query: SELECT * FROM "migrations" "migrations" ORDER BY "id" DESC
No migrations are pending
> misskey@2023.12.2 start /misskey
> pnpm check:connect && cd packages/backend && node ./built/boot/entry.js
> misskey@2023.12.2 check:connect /misskey
> cd packages/backend && pnpm check:connect
> backend@ check:connect /misskey/packages/backend
> node ./check_connect.js
_____ _ _
| |_|___ ___| |_ ___ _ _
| | | | |_ -|_ -| '_| -_| | |
|_|_|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_ |
v2023.12.2 |___|
Misskey is an open-source decentralized microblogging platform.
If you like Misskey, please donate to support development. https://www.patreon.com/syuilo
--- 13f81e416702 (PID: 128) ---
INFO * [core boot] Welcome to Misskey!
INFO * [core boot] Misskey v2023.12.2
INFO * [core boot env] NODE_ENV: production
INFO * [core boot nodejs] Version v20.10.0 detected.
DONE * [core boot config] Loaded
DONE * [core boot] Misskey initialized
INFO * [core nest] NestFactory: Starting Nest application...
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: MainModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: QueueModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: GlobalModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: RepositoryModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: DaemonModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: ServerModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: EndpointsModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core nest] InstanceLoader: CoreModule dependencies initialized
INFO * [core boot] Starting 1 worker...
INFO 1 [core nest] NestFactory: Starting Nest application...
INFO 1 [core nest] InstanceLoader: QueueModule dependencies initialized
INFO 1 [core nest] InstanceLoader: GlobalModule dependencies initialized
INFO 1 [core nest] InstanceLoader: RepositoryModule dependencies initialized
INFO 1 [core nest] InstanceLoader: CoreModule dependencies initialized
INFO 1 [core nest] InstanceLoader: QueueProcessorModule dependencies initialized
DONE * [core boot] All workers started
DONE * [core boot] Now listening on port 3000 on https://misskey.omhnc.net