山梨で山火事 24時間経っても延焼続く 鎮火のメドたたず ndjust.in/WlKRN07f #NewsDigest
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✨ Stay tuned for what's coming!bsky.app/profile/tik.blue/post/3lg3yaluuus2u
Discover tik.blue, a new way to share moments and express yourself. Built on @ atproto.com, tik.blue is focused on what really matters.
Whether you're a creator of simple videos or captivating productions, this is the right place to express yourself.
Our main goal is for you to find, or if necessary, CREATE your own space, your way. We are just one part of a whole, a whole that seeks to have its own place. 💙bsky.app/profile/tik.blue/post/3lg4aphk6dc2r
Stay tuned for upcoming updates, you won’t want to miss what we’re cooking! 🔥
you better not be making a dedicated video tab when I get hometwitter.com/X/status/1881169030876381414
子どもが見たゲーム攻略サイトや学校のタブレットに「エロ広告」…“無法状態”に規制求める声 | 国内 | ABEMA TIMES | アベマタイムズ
【速報】重機女児死亡事故めぐり二審は『全労働者と同等』賠償金の増額判決 一審は障害理由に逸失利益が減額「全労働者の85%」と判断...遺族「なぜ娘の努力が否定されるのか」と訴え ndjust.in/8s8kwQfb #NewsDigest
高知空港の滑走路が一時閉鎖 FDA機でタイヤが降りていないことを示す計器表示 無事着陸 ndjust.in/o9j5Slwa #NewsDigest
【速報】「建物全体が燃えて爆発音が」観光バス事務所で火事 消防車など10台以上出動し消火活動続く 茨城 ndjust.in/TMH21hhq #NewsDigest