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平成24年 春期 ITパスポート 問53
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ashlee_O143 — 今日 11:51
can i ask you?
nesosuke — 今日 12:01
hi, where from did you know me ?
ashlee_O143 — 今日 12:02
do you have two steam accounts with the same name?
nesosuke — 今日 12:07
what do you want me ?
ashlee_O143 — 今日 12:09
because recently, i just dealt with someone who had the same steam profile and name as yours. i got scammed and lost a two hundred dollars by means in my credit card and csgo items
nesosuke — 今日 12:12
I'm not CSGO player.
ashlee_O143 — 今日 12:13
but the scammer sent me your steam account and he said that "this was mine: https://steamcommunity.com/id/nesosuke
Steam Community :: neso
nesosuke — 今日 12:15
That is not me. the scammer impersonated as me.
ashlee_O143 — 今日 12:17
i'm so worried because i convinced my friends to report your profile and we filed countless reports on your steam profile by mistake, we thought that it was you
can you help me to revoke those reports?
nesosuke — 今日 12:19
well, can you send me the screenshots of message between you and the scammer ?
ashlee_O143 — 今日 12:22
i can't take a screenshot of our conversation because also my Steam account was stolen by the scammer and that's why i contacted you because i want you to know with this problem
nesosuke — 今日 12:23
I cannot trust your story.
ashlee_O143 — 今日 12:23
as stated in the ticket you need to add the steam support on discord and if he ever accepted just write to him about the issue that those reports are mistake
here's his Discord id: Adam (Official)#7058
nesosuke — 今日 12:24
First of all, why the official steam support does not use their own contact?
I never contact via Discord
— 今日 12:25
これらはあなただけに表示されています • これらのメッセージを削除する
はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ
Discordで詐欺っぽいDMが来た - nesosukeの日記 https://nesosuke.hatenadiary.com/entry/2023/05/14/124101
Kami.さんはTwitterを使っています: 「New Armored Core 6 gameplay looking great! #TearsOfTheKingdom https://t.co/AQVr9lnDsd」 / Twitter
#GenshinImpact 神里綾華 - 雲小猫のイラスト - pixiv
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syumaiさんはTwitterを使っています: 「『休日とか平日夜に、何となく足を運んだら、知ってる人がなんかコード書いてて、声かけるでもなくただ横で作業してる』だけの空間が欲しすぎるな…。誰か氏、ハチャメチャに人生成功してこう言うカフェか何か開いてください」 / Twitter
「ChatGPTには逆立ちしてもできないことがある」平井鳥取県知事が誤解覚悟で「使用禁止」を訴えた真意 | 文春オンライン
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人間は立入禁止、スタンフォード大生らが開発したAIチャットボット専用SNS「Chirper」 - BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報
働きたくない・・・ ああっ、ああっ・・・働きたくな はたらき、働きたい!人のために働きたい! ううっ・・・