04:00:09 @mastodonusercount@bitcoinhackers.org

9,278,877 accounts
+564 in the last hour
+16,271 in the last day
+81,752 in the last week

Four time-based charts Upper blue area: Number of Mastodon users Upper cyan area: Hourly increases of number of users Lower orange area: Number of active instances Lower yellow area: Thousand toots per hour For current figures please read the text of this post
Attach image
11:00:10 @mastodonusercount@bitcoinhackers.org

9,283,095 accounts
+461 in the last hour
+14,694 in the last day
+81,936 in the last week

Four time-based charts Upper blue area: Number of Mastodon users Upper cyan area: Hourly increases of number of users Lower orange area: Number of active instances Lower yellow area: Thousand toots per hour For current figures please read the text of this post
Attach image
15:00:10 @mastodonusercount@bitcoinhackers.org

9,285,131 accounts
+633 in the last hour
+14,351 in the last day
+81,799 in the last week

Four time-based charts Upper blue area: Number of Mastodon users Upper cyan area: Hourly increases of number of users Lower orange area: Number of active instances Lower yellow area: Thousand toots per hour For current figures please read the text of this post
Attach image