
LibreOffice's design community is working on redesigning our website. Give them a hand – send them your feedback in a quick survey!


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Please participate in a survey on our web presence - LibreOffice Design Team

LibreOffice's documentation community is working on updates and translations to our guidebooks! Give them a hand and gain valuable experience in technical writing. Here's an update from our Czech community, for instance: blog.documentfoundation.org/bl

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Documentation updates: Czech Guide for LibreOffice Math - The Document Foundation Blog

LibreOffice is about more than just a free office suite. It's about empowering communities around the world with productivity tools, in every location and language possible. Learn how Jwtiyar Ali is localising LibreOffice into Kurdish, for example: blog.documentfoundation.org/bl

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Community Member Monday: Jwtiyar Ali - The Document Foundation Blog
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