
History time! Check out the green part of this timeline – LibreOffice is a successor to OpenOffice(.org) (and before that, StarOffice). Our community and certified developers keep pumping out a new major release of LibreOffice every six months – a big thanks to them!

LibreOffice / OpenOffice timeline
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Meet the community that makes LibreOffice! Here's the group photo from our ongoing conference in Almeria, Spain. Today we have more talks, events and meetups: conference.libreoffice.org/201

Sept. 12th: Thursday » LibreOffice Conference Archive
LibreOffice Conference 2019 group photo
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We're worldwide! LibreOffice is available in over 100 languages, thanks to our community of translators and localisers. At the weekend, our Nepalese community celebrated Software Freedom Day with a localisation event: blog.documentfoundation.org/bl

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Nepal: LibreOffice localisation event on Software Freedom Day 2019 - The Document Foundation Blog
Nepalese LibreOffice community
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Update time! Today we're releasing LibreOffice 6.3.2, with 49 bugfixes and compatibility improvements. Learn more and download it: blog.documentfoundation.org/bl

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The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.3.2 - The Document Foundation Blog
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Check this out: the LibreOffice and openSUSE communities will have a joint conference next year in Nuremberg, Germany. And you can design the logo for it! Full details here: blog.documentfoundation.org/bl

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Co-Conference Logo Competition for 2020 - The Document Foundation Blog
LibreOffice and openSUSE conference logos
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