
Ivory v2.0 is now available on the App Store! If you don't see it in your updates list right away, you can download the update here: apps.apple.com/us/app/ivory-fo

More detailed change list is in the ALT text and on our App Store page.

Image showing the major new features of Ivory 2.0. 2.0 Release Notes: - Hashtag Lists! You can now add up to 4 hashtags to a list to create custom hashtag-based timelines. - Redesigned Hashtags Tab. Better organization so it’s easier to find what you are looking for. - Brand new Share Sheet Extension! We know it wasn’t a very high bar to improve it. - New media view in post details. - New Behavior to change context menu order. You know those menus that pop up in reverse order depending on where the button is on screen? Well now you can set it the way you prefer and can stop yelling at us in frustration! - Added subtle shadow to media overlay buttons for better visibility on light images. - Added option (hold down on link) to force open URL in Ivory if you know it is an ActivityPub URL, but Ivory can’t detect it. - Fixed the disappearing drafts bug (we hope!) - Fixed the issue with uploading vertical video. - Improvements to video uploads. - Fixed the bug where searching for certain strings would cause a crash. - Bug fixes related to opening links in Ivory or in Safari instead. - Various other bug fixes
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:ivory_boost: And like that, Ivory 2.1 is available on the App Store! Automatic updates roll out slowly over a week so if you want to grab it now, just head to the app store page and download:

:appicon_ivory: apps.apple.com/us/app/ivory-fo

(Release notes are in the ALT text and App Store page.)

Release notes for Ivory 2.1: - Support for Mastodon’s new author bylines for enabled accounts. (This feature requires your server to be running Mastodon 4.3 which is currently in beta). - Updated URL/OpenGraph Cards to provide more content. - Added Apple’s language translation to iOS/iPadOS. If you prefer your server translations, you can enable them in the Behavior settings. (Currently no support for Mac Catalyst apps) - Added the ability to translate Alt Text by holding down on the Alt Text and choosing Translate (iOS/iPadOS) - Added Translate to the “Short Right Swipe” quick action (Selectable in Behavior Settings). - Deleted posts are now clearly noted when you view the post detail and are automatically removed after you return to the timeline. - Filtered Keywords applied to Lists now also get filtered out of Hashtag Lists. - Active account removed from Account Select Menu to reduce confusion and clutter. - Fixed a crasher when hitting the compose button while in a hashtag list. - Fixed the issue when trying to reach some servers that use WEB_DOMAIN.
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