
Sorry about the short Mac alpha window yesterday. We ran into a TestFlight issue and are trying to get it resolved. We definitely want to allow more of you access to the Ivory for Mac alpha. Will hopefully have more info in a couple days. Thanks for your patience! 🙏


Ivory v1.1 is now out on the App Store!

Release Notes:
- Edit Posts
- Report Users and Posts
- Support for Mastodon server language translation services (if your server has them).



Okay lets try this one more time. We are limiting the list to 2500 spots for tonight just to make sure things are working okay. If there are no major TestFlight issues, we will open up the rest of the spots tomorrow morning, Texas time.

Important: If you are already in the current Mac TestFlight, you'll have to join this one again, unfortunately. The one you already joined won't get updates and will stop working after some time. Sorry for the annoyance!
