Google Pixel Update - January 2023 - Google Pixel Community
山手線の外回りが「大崎から池袋」まで利用できず / 知らない人はご注意を | ガジェット通信 GetNews
[「グランツーリスモ7」がPSVR2に対応決定! 無償アップグレードを2月22日に配信 - GAME Watch](https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1468019.html)
[CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI](https://circleci.com/blog/january-4-2023-security-alert/)
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
AMD、“世界最高のゲーミングCPU”「Ryzen 7950X3D」 - PC Watch
Ryzen 7000X3Dが登場。16コアのRyzen 9 7950X3Dもラインナップ : 自作とゲームと趣味の日々
This account is not set to public on notestock.
差出人不明の年賀状、大量に誤送付「スマホで年賀状」が謝罪 数十万人超に影響(ITmedia NEWS) - Yahoo!ニュース
HONG KONG,HK GPO AIR REGISTERED LETTER SECT, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
HK, Handed over to carrier / Left for destination
We will be opening up around 2000 more TestFlight spots in about 1 hour (9:00am CST) from the timestamp of this post!
1. Make sure you already have the official Testflight app from the app store and have accepted any agreements it might contain.
2. Check this TestFlight link at around 9 for the spots to open back up: https://testflight.apple.com/join/iDgGfyeO (It's going to say it is full right now).
3. Enjoy using an alpha product. There are still many features missing and we will get to them eventually.