Wolf Hollow on Instagram: "What do you do during a heat wave when you’re a Wolf Hollow resident wolf? Well, the answer is you enjoy the ice bath party that your caretakers throw for you! And yes, that’s our friend Togo repeatedly trying to take the whole block for himself. What a gem! 🔉 Sound ON for wolfy ice chomping! Edit: (For those who don’t follow us typically or know how well our wolves are taken care of based on a few comments…) This is not our wolves only water source, and isn’t their primary source of drinking water! This tub is for fun activities and the wolves really enjoy it! Their enclosure also includes a pond to wade around in. One last fun fact is that wolves LOVE to stick their muddy paws in water as soon as you refresh it! So yes, there are some sticks and wood chips in the tub, but that doesn’t mean the water isn’t regularly changed and kept fresh. Sometimes wolves are just…being wolves! We hope this clears up any of you who were concerned and urge you to click the link in our bio to speak up for wolves and use that same passion to advocate for wild wolves who need our voices! ___________________________ 🐾 @wolf_hollow_ma #wolfhollow Wolf Hollow is a 501(c)3 non-profit with the mission to provide awareness on the importance of wolves in the wild through education and exposure #wolves #wolfpack #relistwolves #nature #wildlifephoto"