Build failing after upgrading to HEAD-efa664c on Sequoia with homebrew · Issue #32255 · neovim/neovim https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/32255
Issue でも HEAD 使え言ってるもんな
Arch Linux - tree-sitter 0.24.7-1 (x86_64) https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/tree-sitter/
Arch Linux の tree-sitter って最新だけどそれでもビルドコケてるのか
やっぱ HEAD じゃないとだめか
This account is not set to public on notestock.
I may have to use the HEAD of tree-sitter from now on... (´·ω·`)
This issue has been identified and fixed. It will be updated normally from the next build.
I have perceived that the neovim daily build has stopped. I am currently working on a fix for this issue.