Mastodon の署名実装がバグってる一方、GoToSocial はバグってないので、GtS のフォロイーが誰か投稿するたびに横蹴りにエラーが溜まって行くのよね…どうしたものか
Because this is the first time in years that I have seen someone raise this issue, I think we can assume other implementations got it wrong too (or did not bother reporting it and worked around it instead). Therefore, changing to the correct version of this draft will likely cause compatibility issues. That's why for the time being, this PR only handles incoming requests in addition to the previous broken signatures.
Amazon Photos のこの日の思い出で去年申し訳程度に雪が降った画像をサジェストされたけど、今年は申し訳程度にも雪が降る気配がないねえ