
Upgrades by users immediately after a Debian release place a significant load on the mirror network. In July 2019 the release of buster saw nearly 1GiB/s peak file downloads for several days on some networks, whilst in August 2021 the releasing bullseye caused 1.05GiB/s. That's over 840Gbps network bandwidth! More statistics are available at accum.se/technical/statistics/


Debian is translated into many languages, and that includes the supporting materials. Even the release announcement itself will initially be made in Czech, German, French and Swedish as well as English, and other languages will be added in the coming days


Debian 12 "bookworm" released and avaiiable for download. Thank you!


In accordance with the 2022 General Resolution about non-free firmware, we have introduced a new archive area: non-free-firmware.


The time between the release of "bullseye" to "bookworm" was 1 year, 9 months, and 28 days.