
:boost_requested: New :calckey: beta! :boost_requested:

This is a
huge one, and likely the last beta before the release candidate!

Notes for v13.2.0-beta4:

Notes for v13.2.0-beta4:
Notes for v13.2.0-beta4:

• Calckey gets Rusty!
🦀 Rust is now used for ID conversion, this is a first step forward to a Rust-based backend!
• Major performance improvements
• Import old posts
• Boost to multiple visibility (including direct)
• Better search page
• Help menu in navbar
• Custom KaTeX macros
• Better chat index UI on mobile
• Rehash passwords on sign-in with Argon2
• On top of improving security, this fixes Foundkey -> Calckey instance migration, but breaks Calckey -> Misskey instance migration
• More Mastodon API compatibility
• Fix not being able to click certain buttons in settings
• Fix "silent notification audio" on mobile
• Upgrade to pnpm 8.1 with new lockfile format
• Better OpenGraph embed
• Many smaller bug fixes and UI changes

Instructions to upgrade:

Install Rust (if not using Docker)

git checkout beta
git pull --ff
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
pnpm i
NODE_ENV=production pnpm run build && pnpm run migrate

NOTE: The first build since this version may take a while, since Rust has to install and compile the packages. This may take a couple minutes, but will never need to happen again, as the packages will be cached.


A tip for Calckey admins:

As of the latest beta, a button was added to Control Panel > Index! This will index all of the posts (or all of the posts after a certain ID) into your search engine of choice -- perfect for if you started using Sonic!

Screenshot of the control panel on the database section, there's an "Index posts" button at the top
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Dialog with the title "Index from Post ID onwards (leave blank to index every post)". There's an ID in the box (optional) and Ok/Cancel buttons
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Pop-up saying "Now indexing. This will probably take a while, please don't restart your server for at least an hour."
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