Photography wali / نستعلیق والی / Ajnabee / mtDNA: B4 / INTP-A
اسلام آباد 🇵🇰 یا 🇯🇵 ٹوکیو
Into #StreetPhotography & #DocumentaryPhotography / #Urdu (#Nastaliq) #Calligraphy / Music & Culture of #Pakistan 🇵🇰 & #RDC 🇨🇩 / #Language lover. Mostly post in English and sometimes #Japanese, #Urdu, #Lingala and so on
Main acct in my native tongue 🇯🇵 is:
@DigiVoyager However, I am a bit surprised cause they haven't grown more than my pessimistic predictions. Hence, I still think there is a hope for the further future, with many young voters there. As for the nearly future, not sure though.
Wishing that you people not to give up. My country looks still somehow okay for now, but the future is hopeless cause youth have lost interest in politics totally for decades, and it's already only for the rulers' and powers' world here. So...
Pakistan on edge as election results slowly trickle in - Nikkei Asia