17:34:44 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

You should check out the tab options in Vivaldi on 🎉

In these you can find ways to your browser experience to suit your needs. For example, you can move or even hide the close tab button from the tab bar; useful if you're the kind to accidentally close tabs!

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18:56:11 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

We will be updating Vivaldi.net services on Thursday 4th of May (07:00-12:00 UTC).

During this time there will be some downtime and accessing your Vivaldi account won't be possible. Thank you for being patient with us.

Vivaldi Community
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22:31:26 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Create filters in Vivaldi Mail to organize your mail!

It can be a lot work to go through each new mail and manually assign flags and labels, use mail filters to speed up the process.

For more info check out this help article ⬇️

Web site image
Mail Filters | Vivaldi Browser Help
The Mail filters menu in the Vivaldi Browser's Mail client
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22:18:26 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

🎙️ We kicked off the first Live audio Community Talk with our cherished Community members recently.

🎧 In case you missed it, grab your beverage, kick back, and listen as Vivaldi hosts @marialeal and @devina, talk to them about "What makes Vivaldi unique?" 👇🏻
