
🐣 Our virtual Easter egg hunt ends soon!

Have you found some yet?

Answer with a 👍🏼 or 👎🏼 in the comments!

Join the hunt 👇


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Go on an Easter egg hunt and hop into Spring with the Vivaldi browser

When it comes to the growth of a company or product, it's both crucial and beneficial to remember the lessons learned from past blunders.

Take one Tech Giant's finger-pointing incident, for instance, where blaming their product users for a design flaw backfired spectacularly.

With Vivaldi, we take a different approach. Dive deep into how we prioritize feedback from people using our products and empower you to tailor your browsing experience to your unique preferences.

We believe our tech shouldn't dictate your browsing experience; it should adapt to you.

So, whether you're a minimalist or a power user, Vivaldi has something for everyone.


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You’re holding it wrong! | Vivaldi Browser


Vivaldi も、そんな相互運用性あるブラウザ開発に注力しています。ただ、デスクトップでは自由に他ブラウザに引越しできるけれど、モバイルでは状況が異なるのです。


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iOS や Android でブックマークを別のブラウザに移行できない理由とは? | Vivaldi Browser

🌞 A solar eclipse might be nature's way of updating its UI and you can do that in your Vivaldi browser too.

Check out our customizable theme for today's celestial event! 🌚



Did you know that now you can add a splash of your personality to our mobile browser for iOS? 🎨

🌈 From eye-catching gradients to soothing pastels, you can personalize your browser's UI to a color palette that speaks to your style and mood.

Whatttt, you haven't tried Vivaldi on iOS yet? Download it here to give it a try👇🏻vivaldi.com/download/

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Download Vivaldi | Vivaldi Browser
A 11 second video showing how to change and set any color scheme on the Vivaldi browser for iOS

The President of Iceland Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson @presidentisl has something in common with our Software Engineer, Geir Gunnarson and it involves the ocean.

Find out what it is and read about why the President and his wife, First Lady Eliza Jean Reid, made a visit to our Iceland office last week. 🌊👇


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Swimming with President of Iceland Guðni Jóhannesson at the Vivaldi office

先日、Android 版の UI 改善としてボタンを削除しました。よくよく考えて決断したことだったけれど、皆さんから「ボタンを戻して!!」の声を受けて、元に戻しました。


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フィードバックから機能へ:あなたの声が変える Vivaldi | Vivaldi Browser

📣 Mark your calendars!

Are you considering switching to Vivaldi from another browser, or are you a long-time fan who wants to learn some tips and tricks?

Join us and some of our community members tomorrow for a live discussion about what makes Vivaldi unique. ✨

This event is audio only so you can listen or request speaking access to join the conversation and share your reasons for using Vivaldi.

🎙️ This is the first of our upcoming Vivaldi Community Talks so stay tuned for more.

🎤 Join here: audon.space/u/@Vivaldi@social. (the room will open tomorrow, at the time of the event)

Check your local time here:


Image of Vivaldi Community Talks announcement. The topic name is "What makes Vivaldi unique?" T date and time is: Friday, 19th April at 17:00 EDT and 21:00 UTC.
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Our first Live Community Talk starts in 10 minutes!

🎙️ Join here: audon.space/u/@Vivaldi@social.

Not a fan of speaking in public? Share your questions and reasons to use Vivaldi in the comments.👇🏻


Who here wouldn’t want to remove unnecessary apps, save resources, and space on their computers? 🙋🏼

So, whether you just bought yourself a shiny new computer or want to optimize your existing one—@xdadevelopers tells you how the Vivaldi browser (and 9 other apps) can make your experience on Windows even sweeter 👇


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10 essential apps you should install on your new PC

🌎 Earth Day is an important reminder to commit to big or small sustainable practices that can help preserve our planet. 🌱

We can all contribute in someway.

On that note, meet our colleague @Hlini , at our data center in Iceland powered by renewable, hydroelectric energy✨

One way you can contribute is through your choice of search engine on the Vivaldi browser.

The Ecosia search engine plants trees in over 35 countries with local organisations.


Image of Vivaldi colleague at Iceland’s data centre
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😵「コレがないから、Chrome から引っ越せない」と思ってるその「コレ」、たいてい Vivaldi にもあります。迷える子羊たびちんの 第 2 弾記事です。テーマはプロファイル。困ったときの助けの求め方も紹介しています。


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Vivaldi 道場 2 – プロファイルがない!? Chrome から引っ越して迷ったこと | Vivaldi Browser

デスクトップ版 Vivaldi 6.7 リリースです✨

💻 メモリーセーバーでメモリを削減
📰 GitHub や YouTube のフィード自動検出が可能に
📂 右クリックからワークスペースを作成
🔑 パスワードとフィードのエクスポート
🍎 Mac でアプリのタイル表示


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デスクトップ版 Vivaldi 6.7 - メモリーセーバーでパフォーマンスを向上させ、フィードリーダーでフィードを自動検出 | Vivaldi Browser

In light of the EU's DMA and Apple's implementation of their Browser Choice screens, our CEO and Co-Founder, Jon von Tetzchner @jon, talks to @WIRED.

"It starts from you clicking Safari. Which, I think all of us agree, that's the wrong spot." Jon said he prefers Google's implementation of its new browser choice screen that guides Android users to select a default while setting up their phone.

Read all about it.👇🏻



Web site image
Why Apple’s iPhone Browser-Choice Option Sucks

Vivaldi がよく話題にしている「DMA(デジタル市場法)」
😎「それって、EUの話でしょ?」と思われるかもしれませんが、日本でも先週、DMA に似た法案が閣議決定されました。EU で今起きていることが、日本でも起こりうるかも。
そんな DMA についてざっくり解説してみました!


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DMA(デジタル市場法)が日本のユーザーにとっても無視できない理由 | Vivaldi Browser