
It's a bright new day, and a great new week! 🌞 Let's start it off with a fun little Vivaldi on question!

What Web panels do you use? And how often do you use it? If none, what hold you back?


It's the last day to vote for your favorite theme! 🎨

The voting closes at midnight CET so there's only a matter of hours.

The winners will be announced on 23rd of May, tomorrow. ✨

"Custom Icons Contest Vote for your favorite"
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@jonsvt will head to the Tech.eu Summit, in Brussels on the 24th May. Speaking on the panel “The Evolving Role of Policymaking in European Tech”.

An important area of , as any contribution to it is helpful for the industry in .

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Tech.eu - European Startup, Funding and Technology News
Tech.eu summit Where European Tech comes together Jon Von Tetzchner Vivaldi Technologies Connect, collaborate, and innovate the brightest minds in European tech. At Tech.eu summit 2023, you'll help shape the future of the industry while expanding your network. 24 May, 2023, Brussels
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