00:47:04 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

@jon will head to the Tech.eu Summit, in Brussels on the 24th May.

Dpeaking on the panel “The Evolving Role of Policymaking in European Tech”. An important area of , as any contribution to it is helpful for the industry in .

Tech.eu summit Where European Tech comes together Jon Von Tetzchner Vivaldi Technologies Connect, collaborate, and innovate the brightest minds in European tech. At Tech.eu summit 2023, you'll help shape the future of the industry while expanding your network. 24 May, 2023, Brussels
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17:33:30 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

Live from Japan 🇯🇵
After a quick Korean BBQ yesterday, with the Team in , @jon's tour takes him to the Icelandic Embassy in Japan for a !

Next up! A user in Tokyo!🎉

Jon at the Icelandic Embassy in Tokyo, having a press conference
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Press conference at the Icelandic Embassy
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Korean BBQ with the Vivaldi Team in Japan.
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01:11:39 01:16:44 @Vivaldi@vivaldi.net

🦋 If you struggle with ADHD or have your focus constantly ruined by a whirlwind of thoughts, then you probably use productivity tools that can help crush those distractions and give you some peace of mind.

Find out how you can say goodbye to those scattered thoughts by customizing the Vivaldi browser to work for your needs and preferences 👇🏻


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5 ways to kill browsing distractions with ADHD | Vivaldi Browser
Image of a person with their hand on their forehead shows confusion. The Background shows many arrows in shades of blue to depict too many thoughts and confusion.
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