
Check out my latest blog post endorsing Renho as my choice for Tokyo Governor in the upcoming election. I attended her campaign speech in Shinjuku and shared my support for expanding freelancers' assistance. Read more here: notes.telmina.com/why-i-decide
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Consideration of an early departure from Wiz#1 and MH Rise looms as milestones rapidly approach in my gaming journey. Dive deeper into this decision and my preparations to embark on a new gaming adventure. Read more here: notes.telmina.com/i-might-be-s
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Let's make a change in Tokyo! Find out how we can realize the first-ever citizen poll to decide the future of Jingu Gaien's redevelopment. It's time to reclaim our public assets and have our voices heard. Read more at notes.telmina.com/we-need-a-po
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Scheduled maintenance is planned for our 3 Mastodon servers. Find out the details in our latest blog post here: notes.telmina.com/maintenance-
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Celebrate Tanabata by reading our latest blog post "Build a Bridge of Love Across the Galaxy," discussing the upcoming Tokyo gubernatorial election and why Lien Ho-Pen is the candidate to support for positive change. Read it here: notes.telmina.com/build-a-brid
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