05:34:34 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp
Subway Tooter 4.2.2


!! If you don't have an Android 11 device, you should not try this version. This is very unstable! only tested application launch. !!

- targetSdkVersion 30 (Android 11)
- update dependencies:
-- Gradle 6.6.1
-- conscrypt-android:2.5.0
-- okhttp:4.8.1
-- okhttp-urlconnection:4.8.1
-- glide:4.11.0
-- drawerlayout:1.1.1
-- material:1.2.1

- other some fixes.

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Release version 4.2.2 · tateisu/SubwayTooter
07:28:27 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp
Subway Tooter 4.2.3

- (Android 11)ToastCompatをソースツリーに取り込んでAndroid 11でも動作するよう変更。
- (Android 11)AndroidManifest.xmlにパッケージ可視性の指定を追加。
- プッシュ購読の更新時にokhttpのレスポンスを読まずにリークさせていた問題の修正。

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Release version 4.2.3 · tateisu/SubwayTooter
22:05:06 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp

5.540 is now on production state. github.com/tateisu/SubwayToote

This is the first Android 14-compatible version in the production release. Please report any bugs via GitHub issues, etc.

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Release version 5.540 · tateisu/SubwayTooter