#subwaytooter 's data safety notation on the Play Store has changed.
Excuse me, I haven't added spyware to ST. I just declared it according to the Play Store's thoughts and requirements.
#subwaytooter 's data safety notation on the Play Store has changed.
Excuse me, I haven't added spyware to ST. I just declared it according to the Play Store's thoughts and requirements.
・The user operates the ST application to connect to the SNS server, but in the Play Store concept, it is interpreted as "user (1st), application (2nd), SNS server (3rd)".
・In other words, the SNS server is a third party when viewed from the application.
・And ST has a function to perform user registration to SNS server (although it is not used much).
・When combined, "ST is an application that sends email addresses to third parties".
This declaration is necessary to keep your app published on the Play Store.
Thank you for your understanding.
#subwaytooter のPlayストア上のデータ セーフティの表記が変わりました。
My main device is still Android 12. Lack of experience using it on Android 13. I am Looking for people to test 5.0.5 on Android 13 devices.
私のメイン端末はまだAndroid12です。Android 13上での使用経験が不足しています。Android 13 デバイスで5.0.5を試験してくれる人を募集します。