2019-07-09 21:30:32 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp
Subway Tooter 3.5.6


- ハッシュタグカラムでヘッダが長くなりすぎる問題の対策。
- 「~からのハッシュタグ」カラムが特定条件(不明)でクラッシュしていた問題の対策。
- 「この通知を削除」の古いAPIがなくなる問題の対策。
- 「削除して再編集」がメンションのタンス部分を失っていた問題の対策。

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Release version 3.5.6 · tateisu/SubwayTooter
2019-07-11 09:23:18 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp
prohibiting login from the app

disclaimer: My app does not lead to any discriminatory content. it just accessible to compatible instance if user want.

I apologize for the insensitiveness of the Nazi problem in the West. I have no any feeling because the current Nazis are things of a distant world far from Japan.

2019-07-11 09:24:01 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp
prohibiting login from the app

One of the problem is survivability of my app on the Google's store.
I'm skeptical about FUD that Google store bans all apps that can login to Gab.
Because they can run their web app on a web browser. If Google want to ban it, they should start from their Chrome web browser.
I will consider AFTER if a claim comes from Google.

2019-07-11 11:06:57 @SubwayTooter@mastodon.juggler.jp
Subway Tooter 3.5.8

- アプリ設定/挙動に「追加ボタンを強制的に折り返す」を追加。

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Release version 3.5.8 · tateisu/SubwayTooter