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This account is not set to public on notestock.
vector length declaration: data-only integer expression in square brackets
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This account is not set to public on notestock.
Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end in _lpdf or _lpmf.Probability function must end
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data {
int N; // Examinees
int n; // Items
int C; // Grades
int<lower=1, upper=C - 1> delta[N, n];
real D; // Constant
parameters {
real a[n];
ordered[C] b[n];
real theta[N];
real<lower=0> aSigma;
real<lower=0> bSigma;
real<lower=0> thetaSigma;
transformed parameters {
vector[C] pa[N, n];
simplex[C] p[N, n];
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:n) {
for (c in 1:C) {
pa[i][j][c] = 1 / (1 + exp(-D * a[j] * (theta[i] - b[j][c])));
if (c == 1) {
p[i][j][c] = 1 - pa[i][j][c];
} else if (c == C) {
p[i][j][c] = pa[i][j][c - 1] - 0;
} else {
p[i][j][c] = pa[i][j][c - 1] - pa[i][j][c];
model {
aSigma ~ cauchy(0, 5);
bSigma ~ cauchy(0, 5);
thetaSigma ~ cauchy(0, 5);
for (i in 1:N) {
theta[N] ~ normal(0, thetaSigma);
for (j in 1:n) {
a[j] ~ lognormal(0, aSigma);
b[j] ~ normal(0, bSigma);
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:n) {
delta[i][j] ~ categolical(p[i][j]);
モデルのコンパイルは通ったけど推論させようとすると JupyterLab がブラウザ巻き込んで落ちる
PyStan で IRT 走らせることはできるようになったが遅い。
5000 人 × 20 項目で使い物にならないレベルになったのでもう項目の値は不定期にエグザメトリカあたりで推論させて手で入れるプランで暫定としよ
受験者パラメータは項目パラメータから最尤法で結構な速度で出せるのでこっちは定期的およびリクエスト飛んだときに計算する #SIISI
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This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.
This account is not set to public on notestock.